Search and Call

Interested in Serving in Kentucky?

If you are eligible to enter Search and Call in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and interested in being considered for any of these open positions, please do the following.

Ethical Guidelines for Congregational Conduct (PDF)

Congregations in Transition

Openings for Solo/Senior Ministers

Church Name, CityStatus
Bedford Christian ChurchReceiving Minister Profiles
Carrollton Christian ChurchReceiving Minister Profiles
Erlanger Christian ChurchReceiving Minister Profiles
First Christian Church, HopkinsvilleReceiving Minister Profiles
Shepherdsville Christian ChurchReceiving Minister Profiles
Dry Ridge Christian ChurchPreparing Congregational Profile
First Christian Church, Dawson SpringsPreparing Congregational Profile

Openings for Associate Ministers

Church Name, CityStatus
First Christian Church, ShelbyvilleReceiving Minister Profiles
Florence Christian ChurchReceiving Minister Profiles

Seeking Interim Ministers

Church Name, CityStatus

Extended Interims / No Active Search Committee

Church Name, CityStatus
Berea Christian Church, RussellvilleDan Lovell
Bloomfield Christian ChurchGreg Widener
Bromley Christian ChurchStephanie Wolf
Flemingsburg Christian ChurchRandy Fritz
Highland Christian ChurchMark Anderson
Lafayette Christian Church, LexingtonChip Dennison
Moorefield Christian Church, CarlisleDoug Alexander
Newburg Christian Church, LouisvilleMike Gatton
Orangeburg Christian Church, MaysvilleWayne Barnett
Republican Christian Church, CynthianaBill Roberts