Resources & Disciples Websites

Cane Ridge Meeting House
A group of Kentucky’s early settlers built Cane Ridge Meeting House in 1791. Nestled among Kentucky’s rolling hills and gracious horse farms, Cane Ridge Meeting House is believed to be the largest one-room log structure standing in North America. The Cane Ridge Presbyterian congregation with its pastor Barton Warren Stone were hosts for the event that took place here in August 1801.

Cane Ridge today continues to be a living church. Prayer, singing, and preaching occur in the Meeting House, a place of worship for many congregations and religious groups who come as welcome guests each year. Learn more>

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
We are a movement of more than 3,000 congregations in the United States and Canada, committed to sharing the limitless love of God throughout the world. We worship in over 17 languages, in a variety of styles and settings. We are related to 15 colleges and universities and 7 seminaries and divinity houses where new leaders are nurtured. Learn more>

Disciples Home Missions
Disciples Home Missions is a hands-on General Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). DHM lives into the Gospel of Jesus Christ by strengthening and developing partnerships, supporting congregational transformation, resourcing leadership development, sustaining faith formation, providing mission opportunities and advocating for justice, fairness, and equality for all of God’s children and creation. Learn more>

Disciples News Service

Lexington Theological Seminary (LTS)
LTS is an accredited graduate theological institution of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Consistent with the Disciples’ historic commitment to Christian unity, the Seminary is intentionally ecumenical with students, faculty, staff and trustees of various denominations.