Disciples Men

But you, man of God, flee from all this and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. (1 Timothy 6: 11)

The Men’s Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in KY seeks to encourage men in their walk with God. Beyond that, it is our goal to equip and empower men for faithful ministry in their congregations as pastors, elders, deacons, Sunday School teachers, and other leadership roles in the church. 
One of the ways we seek to accomplish this goal is through our Men’s Spiritual Life Retreat. This event is held every summer, usually at Saint Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana. We gather for three days of fellowship, prayer, and Bible study, through which each one is blessed for his journey of faith and ministry in Chrit’s church.
Please join us for our next gathering in the summer of ’25.

Since 1994 the Christian Church in Kentucky has offered the men of the Region the “Singing From the Back Row” retreat.”  The 2024 retreat was held in Lexington and hosted by Crestwood Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).  Nearly 60 men gathered for three days of singing, food and fellowship.  The highlight was performing for Sunday worship with the gracious people of Crestwood.

Over the years the chorus has been privileged to commission five anthems for men’s voices.  The fifth anthem, memorializing John Elkins from Clintonville and one of the founders of the chorus, was premiered during the service.  John was certainly missed but his presence was felt in family members and the new music.  There was nary a dry eye.

The 2025 retreat will be in the greater Louisville area with Jeffersontown Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) hosting.  The dates are January 24-26Contact the Regional Office for more information.